Friday, March 26, 2010

Problem shopper

So, couponing is great, and a good way to save money, and it's not as difficult as I thought it would be once I got all set up and running. However, I've run into a problem. I want to be a mega saver, so I've been buying only what is on sale and what I have coupons for. Unfortunately, I've also found myself buying things that are on sale and I have a coupon for- that I don't really need. I spent WAY more than my allotted grocery budget a couple of weeks ago, stocking up on things like toothpaste and English muffins. Now, toothpaste was on sale B1G1, and I had a $1 off coupon for each that I paid for, so it was almost free, and the English muffins were on sale 10 for $10, so clearly, I got a great deal. But it's no longer a great deal when stocking up on those "great deals" causes you to overdraw your checking account. $148 in overdraft fees later, not only did I NOT come out ahead, but I came out WAY behind.

Moderation. This is something I struggle with all the time. Moderation. I have to find the happy middle on this couponing thing. Hmmm.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Almost there...

My goal in couponing is to get to the point where, at every shopping trip, I save more than I spend. Today I came close.

I made a trip to Walgreens today, armed with my handy dandy shopping list and my pile (litterally- a pile) of coupons. I ended up with a box of Benadryl tabs (always important to keep in the house) a tube of Benadryl creme (also important), 2 boxes of Band-Aids (I have children- of COURSE I'll use them!) and a tube of Neosporin. A tube of toothpaste, a bottle of mouth wash, a bottle of Jet Dry, and 2 packages of Reeses dark chocolate peanut butter cups. I also got a bottle of Rimmel foundation (I've been using powder foundation, but not liking it- switched back to a creme) and a Rimmel mascarra.

My price for all of this? $36.00. My savings? $27.00. So, I didn't quite save as much as I spent. However, with my purchase, I walked out in $10 in register rewards. That means that I actually came out ahead by $1. YAY ME!!

This is where I want to be on shopping, every time. We'll see if we can make it happen tomorrow at Meijer!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Comparing Savings Angel to The Grocery Game

I signed up for a free 4 week trial of today. If I really want to make the most of my grocery dollar, I need to be armed with the best resource to help me purchase only what is on sale, for the very best price. Savings Angel does a good job- it has the sale information for all the stores I shop. I can go through and click items I need to create a cutomized list, with links to online versions (where available) to the coupons needed to save even more. If the coupon is not available online, there is still a little note to let you know if there is a coupon available elsewhere. And, at the end of the list, you get a break down of how much you'll spend (if you stick strictly to your list) and how much you will save.

The Grocery Game, on the other hand, has breakdowns of advertised sales and also of NON advertised sales. This, I think, may be where TGG beats SA. However, TGG doesn't agregate data for Target, and Target is a huge grocery resource for me because they tend to carry a better stock of healthier snacks, and their frozen fruit is always the best price around. Also, TGG doesn't give you an easy list to use, links to coupons (not that I could find, anyhow), or a breakdown of how much you'll spend and how much you'll save.

So, because I'm trying to SAVE money, and only want to pay for a membership to one site, I think I'll stick with SA. It's much more expensive than TGG, but it really is worth it to me.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm getting the hang of this couponing thing, I think. I did make a crazy dash to the grocery store today because I realized I had $30 in register coupons expiring today, for things I actually use. Did I NEED 11 more cans of black beans right now? No- but they were $10 for 10, 11th one free AND I had a coupon for $2.50 off $9 in canned items. And I will USE them- not today, not even this week, but I LOVE black beans- we go through a ton of them- they'll get eaten.

Today a friend turned me on to a great blog that I'm loving, all about coupons- Tomorrow is my last day of class for the quarter, so I don't have a ton of time to read through all the tips and tricks, but what I've seen so far, I like. Thursday I need to get my coupons a little more under control.

So, that's my "like" for this week!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ahhh- spring time!

Everybody loves spring, so I guess that's not really news, but Ahh! The sun, getting outside and seeing green shoots coming up where my crocuses are planted, getting some gardening stared- that's what I needed.

To celebrate the beginning of spring, last weekend we had friends over for steak fajitas on the grill and margaritas. We couldn't quite eat dinner outside- there is still over a foot of snow on the deck, the patio set is still packed away, and it's still in the 20s overnight, but the low 50s during the day could fool you into thinking winter is over.

That's what we're all liking this week. Spring. Ahhh. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MORE stuff the Bouc's like

WOW- 2 blog posts in one night. I must be drinking! (LOL- I am, but that's not why I'm posting again. :) )
A few new finds that we're all loving- Leelenaw Peninsula's Good Harbor Pinot Grigio- YUM!!
Chateau Grand Traverse Ship of Fools white table wine- YUM!
Cruzan Black Strap rum- YUM, and like $14 a bottle- can't beat that!
(WOW I sound like an alcoholic, lol. I don't really drink THAT Much!)

Netflix- I just have to say again how truly awesome this is. We got a Wii for Christmas from my mom and they're coming out with a service where you'll be able to watch any movie in your online cue on your TV through your Wii. Should be out in March some time. How awesome is that?

Now, speaking of moms, I have to say, my mom and my mother in law deserve honorable mention on this blog. They're both just awesome. My mother in law has been a total life saver lately, with watching Aiden whenever I can't get him from school (which is like once a week, but still... finding a sitter for one day a week is NOT easy!). And my mom- she and my dad decided to take my children for the day Sunday up to their cottage to go sledding. Free day for me? Thanks mom!!

Something Kaya is into right now- Bendaroos and Pixos. Who knew that crap they advertise on Cartoon Network really has some worth? I swear, this girl- she'd never learn to do anything else at all if I let her do art all day. Which, I sort of do- with occasional breaks to read a book or go outside and play. I have a feeling I'm going to need to start investing in lots of great art supplies to keep her occupied this summer. She's just a little pot of creative energy, simmering all day long.

And I mentioned earlier that we got a Wii for Christmas. What a cool device! We all love Wii Sports- Tennis, Bowling, Baseball- SO FUN!! Andy and I have been using the Wii Fit Plus- he's down almost 20 lbs since Christmas. I'm maintaining which is exactly what I wanted to do! It's very fun, and you actually do get a decent workout on it.

So, there are a few more recommendations!!

Grocery trip- results

Well... I didn't do so well today. I tried, I really did. I tried to stick to my list. But I forgot that Target has those yummy Archer Farms fruit leathers. And my kids eat them, and they're only $2.99 a box. So I got 2. And I forgot about their yummy little ducky cheese crackers. They're only $1.99 a box and have fewer ingredients than Goldfish crackers. So I bought 3 boxes. And the kids were with me, and Aiden really wanted a tiny Webkinz, and it was $5 and he didn't have his money with him but PROMISED he'd pay me back when we got home. Only he didn't have $5.
Then we went to a different Meijer than usual- O_M_G! I had NO idea what I was missing. THIS Meijer carries the real fruit Fruit Rollups! I haven't seen them anywhere other than Costco (which had them once and never got them again- I HATE that!), so I got a couple of boxes. I did have a coupon for $1.50 off 2 boxes, though! And this Meijer had the big tubs of Greek yogurt- $3.69 a tub, but I've been paying $2 a cup for it, so this is a huge saving. However, I had a coupon for Yoplait Greek yogurt- I just forgot to clip it. And they had the all natural Go-Gurts, which I promised the kids I would buy if we could find them- I've never actually SEEN them, I've only heard rumors that they existed. Found them- but didn't find the coupon I thought I'd clipped for them.
So, clearly you can see my problem here. Shopping with the kids, who've been SOOOO good and helpful lately (Aiden even changes the cat box now!), and finding long searched for items. I ended up going $40 over my budget- which is a ton, but won't kill me.

All that being said, my pantry is looking GOOD. I have 2 boxes of crackers, 3 boxes of cereal, 6 cans of tomatoes, 3 cans of black beans, 5 cans of kidney beans, 4 cans of tomato sauce, a huge can of mandarin oranges, and 3 boxes of mac n cheese in the basement storage area (AKA pantry- I had a pantry in my old house and have no idea what I was thinking agreeing to buy a house without one- the house I really wanted had one, but we didn't get THAT house. I will seriously never make that mistake again). In addition, I have huge ziplock bags full of split peas, red lentils, black lentils (Brown, but I believe they're called black), and a huge bag of white beans. So, if the snowpocalypse were to hit us tomorrow (It better friggin' not- it's almost spring, dammit!) we wouldn't starve.

I do think once the pantry is a little more stocked, and my freezer is starting to look a little better (it's pretty bare right now- we've not bought meat in months and months) I'll be able to cut my budget better. Next week's grocery budget is going to Costco, so that will stock the pantry pretty well. We'll see! Savings Angel and coupons definitely DID help. I did well enough to not be discouraged. I just have to try harder next time!